Web Security 101

You’d have to be living under a rock to remain unaware of the many threats modern companies face due to online operations. Certainly there is a lot to be gained from setting up a business website complete with an online store, not to mention social media accounts, but there are also many risks associated with […]

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Best Practices for Systems Backup

The growth of internet operations over the past couple of decades has been extremely beneficial for commercial interests in a number of ways. Not only can businesses now reach a much broader range of prospective customers, but they can offer the convenience of purchasing from the comfort of home thanks to online shopping carts. That’s […]

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How Site Downtime Affects SEO Efforts

Every website is going to have some downtime. Hopefully this downtime is anticipated and planned for, such as when you or your web host performs scheduled maintenance and updates. In such instances, you have the opportunity to warn users in advance and even put up temporary placeholders to let visitors know when you’ll be back […]

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